Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day — 4: Hot and Dusty

Hollywood weather today, 88 degrees with humidity well below zero.

While sitting in the shade on our luxurious 10 minute break, my new friend Hector and I were lamenting about the lack of pretty girls on our crew. The only one we thought was calienté was also married to a body builder, and both were there doing community service for a bar fight they were involved in. The family that throws down together, stays together.

So Hector, being a philosopher as well as a drunk driver said, while wistfully gazing at another woman, the somewhat chunky Rita, "Sometimes when you don't have bread, you have to eat tortillas."

The stories are true, and the names have not been changed because the stories just aren't that interesting.

1 comment:

Hollywoodmade said...

you can say the names have not been changed because there's no innocence to protect. but how dare you say this isn't interesting. how DARE you.