The prosecutor in this case was clever enough to think that there might have been a motive beyond the 15 minutes of fame that the average field intruder seeks. He searched YouTube relentlessly before the trial, and was rewarded with the official video release from the perp himself (since deleted.) It shows the accused out-running security guards for quite sometime while wearing a straight jacket. The above cell-phone video was taken by a fan. In fact, many fans recorded the event individually, each with their own one-handed drunken technique.
The accused is one Danté Spencer, aspiring TV producer/actor IMDb, who had staged the stunt in order to create a viral video that would promote his new show, Straight Jacket. He described the show to me this morning as a "psychological Jackass." The jury is still out on wether or not the the show will air in the fall, but you can catch Danté's live act for the next 20 days on the streets of The Wood.